Psalm 85
Hosea 6:1-6
1 Thessalonians 1:2-10
After you’ve read today’s passages, turn back to Psalm 85. This devotion will be a form of lectio divina, or “spiritual reading,” which helps us extend our encounter with Scripture.
First, take a few moments of silence. Take a few deep, even breaths and let your thoughts settle. This may not happen quickly! But if new thoughts rise up, just let them sink back until your mind is still.
Then, read the psalm out loud (if possible) twice at a deliberate pace. What word from the psalm sticks in your mind as you read? Spend a moment meditating on that word—how it sounds, what it means.
After at least a minute of reflection, read the psalm a third time (silently or aloud). This time, pay attention to the images that arise in your mind as you read and reflect. What do you see? What do you hear?
After another minute or more of reflection, read the psalm a fourth and final time (silently or aloud). This time, pay attention to what God is asking of or giving to you in these words. What is this psalm for you, today?
After another minute or more of reflecting on this, consider your prayer intentions. Who needs your prayers? What needs of your own can be offered to God? Where do you want to ask God to help you grow in faith? See if you can name these prayer intentions, silently or aloud, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven...
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Pastor Ben Dueholm