Several times a month, you will see Pastor Ben bless caregivers as they are presented with communion kits.
Our congregation trained many people in the Stephen's Ministry program several years ago. Since then, we have had caregivers communicate with people who cannot attend worship. Although today most of our caregivers have not received Stephen’s Ministry training, Pastor Ben has shared training with our caregivers.
Caregivers are any of us who communicate with people who cannot attend worship, from members in the hospital or a rehab unit; to members who cannot leave their homes. Our congregation is blessed with many friendships. There was a time when this congregation had several women's circles. They were great at caring for each other.
We are blessed with some caregivers who faithfully contact and serve communion to those who cannot attend worship. The care receiver is often back worshiping with us within a few weeks or months. Pastor Ben, Vicar Kristen, and Virginia meet regularly to review the names of people in our congregation who desire contact.
Our caregivers faithfully serve communion to the care receivers each month and always ensure they are seen before the holidays. Many times they deliver the Sunday Altar flowers. We are making arrangements to see as many as possible for Ash Wednesday.
If you cannot attend worship or special services or know someone who cannot and desires personal contact, please contact Pastor Ben, Vicar Kristin, or Virginia Worley.
It is a blessing to share the love of Christ as a caregiver and to receive the love of Christ as a care receiver.
Virginia H. Worley