The important dates to remember are:
December 6, 2023 -
- Deadline to file any proposed amendments to Constitution Chapters 10-14 only
- December 6 - Deadline to file any proposed amendment to the Bylaws
Please submit any Constitutional amendments in writing and support from 10 voting members to Pastor Ben (add his email) and Lisa Nelson ([email protected]). Submit any Bylaws amendments in writing and support from one (1) voting member to Pastor Ben and Lisa Nelson ([email protected]).
- January 5, 2024 – The Council will provide an updated Constitution (if needed) to the congregation
- January 7, 2024 - Called Congregational Meeting to conduct 1st vote on the Constitution ONLY
- February 4, 2024 - Annual meeting, second vote on Constitution, and vote on Bylaws
Thank you for your support and attention to this effort.