Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Food Pantry
“Frances Byrd Horn of Plenty”
Mission: To follow Christ’s directives to feed the hungry.
“It might interest you to know that:
- The first “hunger pantry” ever to open in Dallas was founded by Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in 1967 to serve the needy from all around the metroplex by providing bags of groceries to the hungry.
- In October of 1999, under the leadership of Pastor Ralph Gipson, the current food pantry was given the name “Frances Byrd Horn of Plenty” in memory of Ms. Frances Byrd, who operated the 1967 pantry.
- Mt. Olive Food Pantry has a two-pronged approach to combating hunger in Zip Codes 75210 and 75215 in the Fair Park Area – serving the homeless and hungry with a healthy luncheon “snack pack” and providing struggling families with a supply of nutritious groceries.
- Providing quality food in abundant quantities to those who would otherwise be hungry, especially the elderly, are priority reasons why 10 congregations, 8 businesses and organizations, 20 patrons, and 40 dedicated volunteers form the backbone of Mt. Olive Food Pantry.
- Homeless/hungry people may come every Wednesday, but they only receive a sack lunch, and once a month, hygiene items are provided when available. No criterium is necessary to be served.
“Proverbs 22:9”
If you enjoy serving others, please join us as we pack and distribute Blessing Bags every Wednesday and Saturday at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 3100 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. Dress for work and the weather, and be prepared to make new friends! Volunteers are especially needed on Saturdays from 11 AM to 1 PM.
9:30 to 11:00 AM Pack Bags 11:00 to 1:00 PM Distribute Bags
Thanks to our faithful donors for your continued support - you are an important part of this ministry!
For April, we are requesting food donations of Vienna Sausages for the Blessing Bags. They may be left in the red wagon in the narthex. Or donations of any amount are always greatly appreciated and can be made online at or by check/cash to CLC annotated with “Mt. Olive Food Pantry.”